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Check out these printable wanted posters for your very own pretend villains! These aren’t your average bad guys, though. These are the ones that you create from your wild imaginations!

Printable wanted posters…

Listen up, kiddos! Are you tired of coloring the same old princesses and superheroes? Well, have no fear because I’ve got a new activity for you to sink your crayons into…create your own bad guys, of the silly variety!

These five printable pages print in black and white. Use pencils, crayon, marker or colored pencil to add your own drawing and/or writing!

Five versions of hand drawn pretend wanted poster for kids to write and draw about their own pretend villains!

Fun ways to use these printable wanted posters…

Here are some ideas about how you could use the printable wanted posters in a classroom or at home:

  • Use the posters as a creative writing prompt for kids to write about their villain’s backstory, crimes, and how they plan to catch them.
  • Assign a group project where students work together to create a shared villain and write a story or skit where they attempt to catch them.
  • Host a classroom gallery where students can display their posters for others to admire and read.
  • Integrate the posters into a lesson about crime and justice, encouraging discussions about ethics and what constitutes as wrongdoing.
  • Use the posters as a reward for students who have demonstrated good behavior or academic excellence.
  • Allow students to present their posters and stories to the class, practicing public speaking and storytelling skills.
  • Incorporate the posters into a themed party or event, such as a Halloween party or end-of-the-year celebration.
Five versions of hand drawn pretend wanted poster for kids to write and draw about their own pretend villains!

Are you interested in using these “wanted” posters in your home or classroom?

I made these wanted printables for you to use for free when you’re a Happy Printable subscriber. Use the form below to sign up, confirm via email, and you’ll get our download ASAP.

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If you’re already a Happy Printable I’m so glad you’re back again for more free printables! Use the form below to get your free wanted printable posters ASAp. You won’t receive multiple emails no matter how many downloads you access!

Five versions of hand drawn pretend wanted poster for kids to write and draw about their own pretend villains!

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