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Check out this set of fourteen colorful first day of school printables, each designed to capture the essence of every school year from preschool to senior year of high school.
Back to school printables….
The beauty of these printables lies in their simplicity and ease of use. In just a few minutes, your children can fill out each page, allowing them to create a visual and written representation of themselves at that specific moment in time.
The thoughtful blend of questions, coupled with a designated space for a photograph or drawing, offers a sweet combination of memories, making each printable a personalized memento that allows their unique personality and growth to shine throughout the years.
Do you want these first day of school memory pages for your kids?
You can get this set of back to school memory printables for free when you’re a Happy Printable subscriber. Use the form below to subscribe. Check your email and confirm your subscription and you’ll have your memory printables in no time.
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