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Free printable number coloring pages feature numbers 1-10 and a variety of friendly insect characters!
Number coloring pages with insects….
These number coloring pages each feature a single large number, the number word, and a corresponding of happy little insects. These pages are perfect for you preschooler working on number recognition.
Each number features a different insect. You’ll see butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, fireflies, bees, moths, crickets, spiders, ants, and more.

How to use these number coloring pages…
These pages print on standard 8.5 x 11 paper. Of course, they’re plain black and white so your kiddos can add their own color and personality.
I suggest plain old crayons or markers to add color to these number coloring pages. Of course, you could also grab the watercolor paints, tempera, anything you can imagine. Your students could even add color to the numbers with fun bingo dot daubers!
If you’re looking for some basic extra large printable numbers this set includes numbers 1-20!

Do you want these number coloring pages for your kiddos….
Do you want a copy of these number coloring pages with insects for your kids to color and learn from?
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