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These large printable number 1-20 are perfect for your preschooler working on number recognition!
Giant printable numbers 1-20…
These giant printable numbers print on standard 8.5 x 11 paper. Each number is on it’s own page allowing for great big numbers that are perfect for all kinds of number recognition activities.
What do with your printable numbers….
- use bingo dot “daubers’
- paint them
- color them
- cut them out
- layer them under a clear Ziplock bag full of pudding (or some other substance.) Allow kids the push contents of baggie around and reveal the number beneath.
- Match the number on the page to a number of “counters.” Try marbles, toothpicks, marshmallows or some other small object.
Do you want these number printables for your students?
Do you want a copy of these snowflake headbands for your kids to color and wear? These beauties are free for Happy Printable subscribers. use the form below to become a subscriber. Then check your email and confirm that you really meant to subscribe. Upon confirmation you’ll receive the PDF in your inbox!
What if you’re already a KTC subscriber….
If you are already a subscriber- thank you! You can still go through this same process to grab these big printable numbers. It’s a quick and easy way to get your download delivered. You won’t be sent duplicate emails- I promise.