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Thirteen printable shapes worksheets are yours to use in your classroom for display or learning activities!

Shapes worksheets for you….

Thirteen simple shapes worksheets include a circle, oval, star, rectangle, square, heart, trapezoid, parallelogram, octagon, triangle, semicircle, and diamond, as well as a one page printable with all of those shapes and their labels.

Printable shapes worksheets are a great way for kids to learn their shapes as well as classroom displays.

How to use these printable shapes worksheets….

These printable shapes pages are simple, which means there are a million applications for using them. Here are just a few of my favorites…

  • collage printable shapes worksheets with shapes cut from magazines or other papers
  • color using crayons or markers
  • use finger paint
  • cover in flour or sand and trace the shape as a sensory activity
  • use as a classroom display
A circle worksheet, oval worksheet, trapezoid worksheet, and a heart worksheet are free to use in your home or classroom.

Do you want these printable shapes worksheets for your home or classroom….

These shapes worksheets are totally free for my Happy Printable subscribers. Just use the from below to sign up. Then head to your email to confirm and you’ll receive your download immediately.

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A square worksheet, a rectangle worksheet, star worksheet, and a parallelogram are free for home or classroom use.

What if you’re already a Happy Printable subscriber….

You can access these shapes worksheets the same way- fill out the form above and confirm via email. In just a few clicks you’ll have your printable shapes and you will not receive duplicate emails. I promise.

Printable octagon worksheet, triangle worksheet, semicircle worksheet, and a diamond worksheet are free for you to use in your home or classroom.

More Happy Printable resources for learning about shapes…

Printable shapes worksheets include trapezoid, heart, star, parallelogram, square, rectangle, circle, oval, semicircle, diamond, octagon, and a triangle.

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